Friday, 10 May 2013

Review of my eBook "Thief"

Tracey Wickham has just posted a very kind review of my fantasy short story ebook, Thief.  I am delighted to say that she gave it a glowing 4 stars!

You can find Thief at most online book stores, though not Amazon.  The primary download site, however, is Smashwords.  It is available free, at this time.

Thief is the first of a series of short stories, which goes by the same title.  More can also be found at Smashwords.

Interviewed on Book Goodies

I'm interviewed on Book Goodies!  Check it out - if you're interested, of course.

I'd be pleased to get feedback here or there.  I'm never comfortable doing these things, but I understand why many people find them interesting, having interested several other authors.  Having read what they have to say, I feel far less accomplished!

Don't forget to check my main website for lots of author interviews!

Smashwords: New Smashwords Survey Helps Authors Sell More eBoo...

Smashwords: New Smashwords Survey Helps Authors Sell More eBoo...: Last year at the 2012 RT Booklovers in Chicago, I released a first-of-its-kind study that analyzed indie ebook sales data.  Our goal was to...

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Julie's Book Review: Review of Shade of Evil By Steve K Smy

"Shade of Evil" by Steve K Smy
"Shade of Evil" Front Cover
I'd like to thank Wende Sheets for reviewing my novelette, Shade of Evil, and awarding it 4 stars!  You can find her review at:

Julie's Book Review: Review of Shade of Evil By Steve K Smy

Shade of Evil is now available in paperback from FeedARead or as an ebook from Smashwords (most formats) or any Amazon store (Search for: B00C3YD3TG or click here for Google's search results).

Friday, 3 May 2013

Spare A Thought…

Spare A Thought…

Do you hear the siren’s brazen challenge,
demanding the right of way?
Spare a thought then, if you will.
Don’t let the cry fade away,
lost in the day’s soundscape.
Think!  That strident bellow declares
some human has, this very moment,
had a day of hope and dreams,
of mundane routine or happy freedom,
torn from their grip, their futile grasp.
A death, an injury, a calamity.
A theft, a murder, a pointless brawl.
Whatever the cause, spare a thought.
Allow a touch of sadness, of regret,
that some fellow person has lost
and is now left, forlorn.
Don’t be like all the rest,
who let the sound pass unnoticed,
or curse the raucous din,
or make thoughtless quip.
Do you hear the siren’s plaintive plea,
asking that someone care?
© Steve K Smy, May 2013

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Don't Forget...

Yes, it's very important!  Don't forget that if you want your book advertised for free, send in your submission!  It's very simple.  All you need to do is copy'n'paste the details from whatever site carries the information (e.g. Amazon) into the form on this page.

If you do have a problem with the form, just let me know!

Remember, Book Promo Day is on a Thursday each week - if enough submissions are received.  You can submit one book per week, though it may be wise to skip weeks so you don't risk annoying anybody by 'flooding'.

So, get your submission in - you have until 9pm BST on a Wednesday.